“private” and “public” health care systems


The video “Health Care” provided a definition for “private” and “public” health care systems. Under our current system (popularly known as “Obamacare”) many individuals are eligible for insurance but pay a smaller part of the cost, due to “subsidies” to make the insurance affordable. Further, by law, everyone is required to have insurance (with a few exceptions.) Other individuals are eligible for Medicaid, and seniors are eligible for Medicare (programs run by the government and paid by tax resources.) To confuse matters, Medicare recipients may choose “supplemental” and “advantage” private insurance plans to assist and/or manage their Medicare benefits. The majority of citizens rely on private insurance either provided by their employer, or insurance purchased as an “individual” policy. By law, everyone is mandated to enroll in a qualified insurance plan.

Based on these parameters, is the U.S. health care system a “private” system, or “public?” Please explain your answer, and provide examples. (Minimum 300 words.)


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