Making sense of the US health care syste a primer

What do you think? What would you suggest to your Congressperson regarding healthcare? What would your suggestion cost to the U.S. tax payer? Is the public prepared to pay higher taxes to fund a publicly funded healthcare plan? (Minimum 300 words.)
This is not your “political” opinion. You cannot opt out of this question because you are not “political.” The following questions should be addressed in your answer, however, develop your responses in well developed paragraphs. Include responses from the video and from your research.

Identify how you feel about the costs of healthcare. Is it a community responsibility? Should we all share the costs of health care (i.e. through taxes)? Why should one individual pay for the healthcare of another individual?
Or is it strictly a personal responsibility? Everyone should be responsible for their own costs?
What should a provider (hospital, doctor, etc.) do if an individual cannot pay for healthcare?
What about children? Should children be denied healthcare if the parents cannot afford it?
Are you willing to pay higher taxes to provide healthcare for all?



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