The Holy Spirit Project


WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? Use Scripture to characterize the person Holy Spirit. Discuss the Holy Spirit’s unique characteristics and personality. A minimum of 6 scripture references is required. This segment of the project should be at least 1 page in length.
WHAT IS THE ACTIVITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? Use Scripture to present the functions and purpose of the Holy Spirit. What is His role in the earth? What is His role in the church? What is his role in the life of the believer? A minimum of 6 scripture references is required. This segment of the project should be at least 2 pages in length.
HOW HAS THE HOLY SPIRIT USED PEOPLE IN HISTORY? Identify a character from Church History and detail how this individual was led by the Holy Spirit in his/her life and ministry. Research materials for this portion of the project can be found in the Holy Spirit Research Center on campus or by searching the ORU Library’s online resources

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