SWOT Analysis



Utilize the approved DNP project topic to complete a gap and SWOT analysis. This activity will assist in the development of the DNP Project Proposal throughout the course.
A gap analysis is a process where an organization compares its current practice to practice expectations or goals (e.g., benchmarks) (Leonard & Bottorff, 2022). The purpose is “to identify discrepancies between known benchmarks for efficient and effective health care delivery and practice with the real-world conditions” (Davis-Ajami et al., 2014, p. 18). A gap analysis answers the questions:
1. Where is the organization now?
2. Where does the organization want to be?
3. What can be done to close the gap?
The gap analysis will guide the aims, objectives, and interventions for the DNP scholarly project. It is completed in 5 steps, the last of which is a SWOT analysis.
Step 1: Identify the Current State/Problem
Identify the current state. What is the problem/clinical question for the project topic? Is this a new problem (a few months) or has it been ongoing for a while? Briefly describe your findings below.

Step 2: Identify and Define Best Practice
Identify and define the desired state and the best practice needed to reach the desired state through a comprehensive literature review. Evidence must include a least one (1) national guideline, evidence-based protocol, or regulatory standard. Briefly describe the desired state and best practice needed below. Cite sources of best practice.


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