Career choice therapist


For this paper, you will research and write about a career that interests you.
Purpose: Inform the audience about the industry and the specific career
Audience: Students in the class
Content: Cover this information in your Body Paragraphs:
–    The Industry (business, agriculture, medicine, etc.)
–    The Specific Career you’re interested in
–    What are the tasks/duties involved in this job?
–    What type of person is well-suited to this job?
–    Education/Training needed
–    Job Opportunities and Salary
Craft your thesis sentence to match this structure. The thesis sentence should come at the end of your first paragraph.
Structure: Standard essay with introduction and thesis, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Your body paragraphs should be arranged in the order shown above.
Sources: Incorporate at least four good sources in the essay. [Note: These 4 sources may not exactly match the ones you evaluated for your Annotated Bibliography because you may have found better sources between then and now. Use the ones that work best for this essay.
Use attributive tags and in-text citations to document your sources. Include some quotations, but most of the writing should be your own words (paraphrase). An in-text citation is required at the end of each sentence in which you use information from a source. Our Seagull text has a section on integrating sources (pp. 138-149), and a section on how to do in-text citations using MLA (pp. 153-160).
Format: One inch margins, double spaced, Times New Roman font size 12
Documentation Style: MLA
Length: 4-6 pages plus a list of Works Cited on a separate page at the end
To see what a researched career essay should look like, click the “Model Answer” on the Assignment page for a sample student essay.
Your Researched Career Essay is due by 5 pm on Monday 4


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