Leaders will be faced with ethical dilemmas


In healthcare management, leaders will be faced with ethical dilemmas that can impacts as great as life vs. death for patients. In many cases, the correct
course of action may be clear, yet on others, conflicting and competing interests complicate the decision-making process. This can be even more perplexing
when ethical duties and legal obligations are in conflict. As you learned in this course, there are many theories that guide ethical choices, and decisions can
be defended from more than one perspective. It is critical for leaders in organizations to be able to weigh all sides of an ethical dilemma to ensure that they
are making choices that will minimize risk liability while remaining grounded in the values of the healthcare professions and the organization. In a minimum
750 word essay (excluding cover and reference pages), you will identify and analyze two situations in healthcare management that contain ethical dilemmas.
In healthcare, issues involving patient care can be complex and the ‘right’ answer to a problem may either be difficult to discern or may simply be the ‘least
bad’ choice of possible alternatives. For this assignment, you will identify two areas in healthcare management that present ethical dilemmas, conduct
research, and present both sides of the issue in a point/counterpoint format to demonstrate that both sides of some ethical issues can be defended based
on ethical theories or principles.
Identify two areas in healthcare management that present ethical dilemmas.
Research perspectives on each dilemma identified.
Provide a counter-point argument; explain the conflicting perspectives on each of the identified dilemmas. Demonstrate how ethical theories/principles could
be applied to resolve each dilemma.
Once you have completed the point/counter-point, determine which ethical theory or principle is the best ethical choice in each of the two dilemmas. Defend
your answer with supporting evidence, relevance of understanding your personal values framework, and sound logic.




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