We Return Fighting: The African American Experience in Word War I

We Return Fighting: The African American Experience in Word War I
Instructions from professor  Instructions
For the final project students will visit an online exhibit from the Explore History and Culture page of the Smithsonian Institute’s website https://www.si.edu/explore/history or explore a collection from the Library of Congress’s Digital Collections website https://www.loc.gov/collections/?fa=subject_topic:american+history and develop an essay about their chosen exhibit.
Each student should select an exhibit or collection that falls within the parameters of the course, i.e. 1877-present. First, clearly identify and briefly summarize the exhibit you have chosen to study. Then, consider specific ways in which it is significant in American history.  Think about it in terms of how you might explain the importance to another student of history. Use very specific textual and visual examples.  Keep in mind, not all exhibits are equally useful for this assignment. The essay should be between 800-1,000 words and include at least one visual of the exhibit. PLEASE USE THE SMITHSONIAN WEBSITE & THE ONLINE EXHIBIT WITH THE NAME I LISTED AS THE TOPIC.


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