Analysing a figure, movement or doctrine






Choose ONE figure, movement or doctrine from the following list: Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, Augsberg Confession, Philip Jakob Spener, John Calvin, Heidelberg Catechism, Jakob Arminius, Synod of Dort, Thomas Cranmer, John Knox, Westminster Confession, John and Charles Welsey, Blaise Pascal, Friedrich Schleiermacher, Rudolf Bultmann, Charles Finney, Lausanne Congress (1974), Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, John Henry Newman, Second Vatican Council.
In 500-750 words, examine the major thought, controversy, or contribution to Christian history of the figure, movement or doctrine.
In 250-500 words, reflect on your own faith or religious journey. Was this figure, movement or doctrine ever discussed or considered? How has this figure, movement or doctrine made you think differently or more clearly about the Christian faith?
Draw your evidence from your readings in Lane, Bingham, or other assigned readings. No outside sources need to be used. If they are used, you must cite the use of these sources.
All sources (utilized for ideas, as well as for direct quotes) must be cited properly; plagiarism is considered an academic offense, which carries serious academic consequences. (See various Regent University resources for explanation and clarification regarding plagiarism and how best to avoid it.) Be sure to cite the information you derive from the sources according to the proper style manual.

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