Part I:
Episode 1: La Clave /
1- What is Matanzas historically known for/ centre of?
2- When was Rumba born? And what has it largely been associated with? (think of social class etc.)
3- Name one Conga player who introduced rumba rhythm to US jazz ensembles.
Episode 2—The Drum /
4- How does Adonis Panter Calderon approach the drum?
5- When drums were banned during the colonial era, what did enslaved people use to drum?
Episode 3—The Sacred & The Profane /
6- How does Sacred drum maker Juan Benkomo approach the Ifa drum? And what are some of the elements that make up its life?
7- How does the sacred drum relate / speak to the Divine during a Santeria ritual? (think about pitches, sounds etc.)
Episode 4 —The Voice /
8- What does Rumbero Amada Dedeu’s interesting theory about the fare reaching influence of rumba consist of?
9- What are some of the themes that Rumberos and Rumberas sing about?
Episode 5—The Dance /
10- What are two cultural and social elements/issues that Rumba Yambu and Columbia dancers relate to / express?
Episode 6 —The Future /
11- What is the ideal context where one could witness / find the ‘spirit of Rumba’ according to singer – Rumbera, Dayme Arocena?
Part II:
12- What are two changes / developments that Rumba has undertaken and that were discussed in the documentary? Name two. (think of style, structure, context, meaning, etc.)
13- How do Cubans articulate the connections between Rumba to Cuban-ness and Cuban nationalism? Respond with reference to the documentary.
14- Share two of your favourite quote from the documentary series.