Legal Memorandum

You are expected to write a Legal Memorandum (information note) of 800 words maximum about Sustainability and Climate Change related policies for corporations. The reader of the memorandum is the board of directors of a privately held company that is about to go public (and thus become a listed company). The advertorials claim that its business activities are “completely sustainable and green”, but it outsources its forestry productions to firms established in Brazil.
Content: You are expected to focus on (i) decreasing companies’ carbon footprint by mandatory or voluntary regulations or (ii) managers’ and companies’
liability arising from environmental damages and greenwashing, or (iii) corporate supply chain due diligence. In this context, you are supposed to identify the existing policies and strategies, provide recommendation(s), and show the current regulations’ shortcomings with justification.
Format: You may use subheadings for the existing policies, recommendations and critics (shortcomings) about the current approaches. You may use any format that is compatible with legal memoranda.
The Legal Memorandum has to be uploaded to the relevant Turnitin folder in the Assessment tab (at Blackboard). Submission by email is not accepted.
I want to remind you that your paper is subject to Koç University’s “Student Code of Conduct”. We will upload the papers to ChatGPT with a prompt asking if the AI has written or contributed in any way to the Memo



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