Lyme or Mono case study


Create your own Lyme or Mono case study. I am looking for your demonstration and application of this week’s knowledge to a specific case study.
Choose one of the following case studies and make up the remainder of the case study of how you would envision the patient presenting with Lyme or Mono disease in your primary care clinic. What would be the patient’s symptoms, where would they have gotten their symptoms from?
Case Study: Mono Disease
Seth is a 15-year-old male who is an athletic soccer player. He presents to your clinic with his mother due to enlarged tonsils, sore throat, and extreme fatigue for three days.
• BP: 110/78
• HR: 68
• Resp. 20
• Temp: 99.8
• O2 sat.: 99%
• Weight: 190</li.
• Height: 6’0”
Based on your chosen case, write out your History of Present Illness:
• Social history
• Medical history
• Medications
• Allergies
• Immunizations
Then, complete the remainder of your SOAP note: Please look online at SOAP examples for patients with mono.
• Review of systems (what would you assess on the patient you suspect for mononucleosis?)
• Physical exam
• Differential diagnosis
• Labs to order
• Diagnosis
• Plan: treatment, education
Post your case study to the discussion forum. It should not be more than two pages.





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