Florida Bistro Project


Summary PowerPoint/Prezzi of the semester’s actual operations
Front and Back of House Summary-Organization and Operating Structure – Key Roles & Responsibilities. The live class has 24 students in the class operating
the Restaurant. This first section of the project should detail how you would operate the restaurant if you were in the”real world” and had to make the
business profitable.
Dedicate a minimum of 1 slide each to discuss:
a)Front of House Operations
b)Back of House Operations
c)Successes and opportunities
Answer the following questions in each of your first two slides (FOH and BOH summaries): How would your team be organized? Who did what? What were
the key roles and responsibilities? What would be the timing of a typical service?
If you are fully online, then you should be focused on How you would organize your respective FOH and BOH team if you were face to face? What roles would
you assign people? How many people within each role? What would those responsibilities be? How would you organize and schedule your team? This should
“sync” up with and mirror the labor schedule HW you or someone in your group submitted.
In your third slide in this opening section should focus on how would you measure success, effectiveness, and efficiency? What things would you do to
encourage continuous improvement in your team, operations, and the overall guest experience?
Marketing & Communication – Provide a recap of what each team member communicated their specific marketing actions would be in the already
completed homework assignment. Please confirm what tasks were completed and when. Please share how successful those marketing efforts were. How
did you determine whether those efforts were successful? Even those in the online class were required to put a Marketing plan together as an assignment of
what they would do to promote the Bistro. Online students should similarly reflect on that work they did for their assignment and answer the same questions
posed for the face to face students.
Feedback System. Great restaurants are asking for guest feedback to ensure they can measure their successes and their opportunities. If we don’t measure
our services, we cannot effectively manage and improve upon them. Summarize the guest feedback provided from the surveys and your own guest
interactions. How does that compare to other local restaurants? What were the guest service successes and what were the opportunities. If you could do it
again if you were in charge, what would you do differently?
Financial Summary. Use the provided template to summarize the financials of the FIU Bistro operations highlighting the main components of a typical
operating statement. Ensure you identify sales, food costs, labor costs, and a detail line item of all the other expenses. The financial summary should
highlight explanations and detail on how each financial component was calculated. Your guest sales should be a projection for 6 service days based upon
the attached dining room layout. Blue circles represent tables that can seat 4 to 6 guests.Basic Set Up floor plan We have estimated labor and “other” costs
that you have forecasted in your previously submitted homeworks. Please use a 30% Product cost estimate. ALL line items especially sales should
communicate how you arrived at that number in the comments section. Please share what you feel would make for financial success and where are the
opportunities? What in your numbers forecast do you feel good about and where are you more concerned?


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