Significance of staffing in healthcare strategic planning


In this module, you learned about the significance of staffing in healthcare strategic planning ini”a”ves and the revenue cycle.
You also looked at the role of leadership to improve team performance and the areas in the back-end revenue cycle.
To recap, the components in the back-end revenue cycle include (but are not limited to) the following areas:
Claims Produc”on
Claims Submission
Determining Expected Reimbursement
Benefits Statements
Claims Reconcilia”on
Denial Management
In this assignment, you will create an analysis report on the staffing system of a healthcare organiza”on based on the
iden”fied areas of the back-end process of the revenue cycle.
This assignment will help you describe best prac”ces for revenue-cycle staffing models and align staffing models with
strategic planning ini”a”ves. It will also enable you to demonstrate how key leadership competencies improve revenue-cycle
team performance. From a healthcare management perspec”ve, this ac”vity will help you understand how to set up and
manage a robust staffing process. This ac”vity will help you prepare for subsec”ons 2C (Staffing Impact) and 4B (Workflow
Assessment Findings) in the course project.
Create an analysis report on the staffing requirements in the backend process of a healthcare organiza”on.
If you need wri”ng support, access the Online Wri”ng Center through the Academic Support module of your course.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Staffing Competencies: Describe the staffing competencies needed for hiring team members in the back-end revenue
cycle. Consider the following ques”ons to guide your response:
What competencies are needed for each area of the revenue cycle?
What makes this competency specific to the healthcare domain?
2. Revenue Integrity: Explain the importance of each area of the revenue cycle for preserving revenue integrity.
Consider the following ques”ons to guide your response:
How does each area incorporate opera”onal efficiency?
How is compliance adherence built into each area?

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