Market Structure

Pick an industry and identify what market structure it most closely resembles (and why). In class, we looked at the fast food industry and saw that it most closely resembled monopolistic competition, but an argument could be made for oligopoly as well. Do the same analysis, but with an industry of your choice.
Pick an industry. Tell me specifically what you have chosen.
Find market share data for this industry. Tell me what year your data is from and whether it is for US, the world, or some other country. (If you can’t find any good data for your industry, pick another industry). Copy / screenshot the info and include it in your assignment.
Decide what market structure you think your chosen industry most closely resembles. Choose from the market structures we have discussed — perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, or monopoly. Use the data to argue your case and tell me why. Looking at the four firm concentration ratio will help you.



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