Gender In The Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Glam Rock, Disco And Punk Genres


Explore the role of gender in the hard rock, heavy metal, glam rock, disco and punk genres. Choose a “star” from one of the aforementioned genres in music (e.g., Donna Summer for a woman in disco or The Village People as an LGBTQ+ band in disco). You may wish to review Chapter 57 as well since this topic underlines several themes within our course (pp. 247-249, text). Describe how music began to transition from the typical heterosexual male singing and playing electronically amplified instruments loudly to a driving rock beat to these new styles. Share (use the mashup tool) a musical example and explain how gender in the era of your choice offered a new perspective to music.

In response to at least three of your peers, when responding to your peers this week, choose an additional musical example (use the mashup tool) and describe how it either reflects or contradicts your peers’ points of view.

When sharing your musical selections with the class, you may use the mashup tool for YouTube. If you are uncomfortable with that or would like to post a traditional text response, that is acceptable as well. Below are the Mashup direction should you choose to use that option. Using Mashup is NOT mandatory.

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