Run a Two-Way ANOVA using JASP


2) Run the 2 way ANOVA and report the output tables

3) Interpret the p values.

4) Is there an interaction affect detected? Explain.

5) Perform the following assumption checks and interpret results.

Independence : Assume this assumption to be met give this to be a random generated sample

Homogeneity of variances : run the homogeneity test

Normality: generate a QQ plot

5) Do you need to perform a post hoc test? If yes, paste and interpret the results. If no, explain why.

6) If your ANOVA results are significant, generate effect size estimate (report omega squared) and interpret as small, medium , or large effect size.


For the presentation, Using JASP or Excel create a slide presentation covering ONE of the following analyses over this dataset (APA formatting of tables and charts is expected). Use bullet points on slides. Assumption check results should be reported.

1) Conduct a one-way ANOVA test and report the results.

2) Conduct a simple regression test and report results

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