Type 2 diabetes

5-7 years (not part of the classroom coursework).
3.1 In 2018, there were 105 new cases of type 2 diabetes reported in Smithville, a city of 500,000. This brought the total number of active cases of type 2 diabetes in Smithville to 3,075. During this time, there were 105 deaths attributable to the disease.
1.  What was the incidence rate per 100, 000 for type 2 diabetes in 2018?
2.  What was the prevalence rate of type 2 diabetes per 100,000 in 2018?
3.  What was the cause-specific death rate of type 2 diabetes in 2018?
3.2 A city contains 100,000 people (45,000 male and 55,000 females), and 1,000 people die per year (600 males and 400 females). There were 50 cases (40 males and 10 females) of lung cancer per year of whom 45 died (36 males and 9 females).
Using this information compute:
1.  The crude mortality rate per 1,000
2.  The sex-specific mortality rate per 1,000
3.  The cause-specific mortality rate per 1,000 for lung cancer
4.  The case fatality rate for lung cancer
5.  The proportionate mortality ratio for lung cancer
 3.3 A new rapid blood test was created to test for human papillomavirus (HPV) in a rural clinic. The following is a 2 × 2 chart that describes the results of the test. Answer questions 1–7 using the 2 × 2 chart.
Positive Test 95 37 132
Negative Test 39 278 317
Totals 134 315 449
1.What is the sensitivity of this test?
2.  What is the specificity of this test?
3.  What is the positive predictive value?
4.  What is the negative predictive value?
5.  Describe in words the sensitivity of this test.
6.  Describe in words the negative predictive value.
7.  What is the disease prevalence in this population?
3.4 An epidemiological study is conducted to learn about the relationship between celiac disease and colon cancer. Suppose there are 77 cases of colon cancer in 68,000 person-years in persons with celiac disease and 54 cases of colon cancer in 215,000 person-years in those without celiac disease. (The overall rate in both groups combined = 131 cases in 283,000 person-years overall.) Use this information to answer questions 1–3.
1.  Calculate the rate of colon cancer in the celiac group (R1), in the no celiac group (R0), and overall (R). Express all rates in “per 100,000 person-years.”
2.  Calculate and interpret the relative risk of colon cancer associated with celiac disease.
3.  Calculate and interpret the attributable risk of colon cancer associated with celiac disease.
3.5 This week you have been learning about from your readings about the critical components of data analysis, including bias, causality, confounding, and interaction. It also covers more in-depth discussion of study designs, as well as a comprehensive review of ways to report on randomized and nonrandomized studies. So what do these mean to you as an advanced practice nurse? How are you able to see the connection between the numbers on the page and ways you might apply this in a practice situation? How is this data important to your role as an advanced practice nurse. Why is it important to know how to calculate and interpret prevalence and incidence rates of diseases? Why are mortality and morbidity rates important? Why is the sensitivity of a specific test important? What about relative risks.
Most nurses don’t like what we call numbers or statistics it is as if our brains just want to shut off but understanding how to interpret these results and numbers is important to population health interventions in what way?

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