Alaina is a 4-year-old girl who lives with her mom, dad, and little brother. Alaina was born with bilateral, sensorineural, severeprofound hearing loss. This means she is deaf in both ears. At the age of 10 months, Alaina received cochlear implants which enable her to hear. Alaina and her parents were enrolled in their state’s Early Intervention program from the time she was born to the age of three. Now Alaina receives early childhood special education services in an inclusive classroom with her peers. Her inclusion is supported through services she and her teacher receives from a Teacher of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing (TOD) and a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP). Alaina loves to play and is very social with her peers. She plays with all the children in her classes but also has special friends who she prefers. Her interests include play-doh, baby dolls, playing chase games outside, and anything pink! Alaina is interested in books and has the attention to listen to long stories but sometimes has a hard time remembering all the details. Often, because Alaina is very socially competent, it can be difficult to notice when Alaina is struggling in the daily classroom routines. She is able to follow other children’s lead when she doesn’t hear the directions or can’t understand what is being said. Alaina’s expressive language is very good but she sometimes is missing the beginnings or ends of words – especially softer sounds. In addition, it is difficult for Alaina to learn new words quickly. Alaina is getting ready to transition to Kindergarten next year. Her mother and father are concerned about Alaina keeping up academically especially as things become more difficult. Alaina is not confident in asking for help and she can get lost in the shuffle.
Discuss the following with your peers:
• How can Alaina’s teachers work with her special education team to develop an IEP that will give her the necessary supports to be successful in Kindergarten?
• Based on NCFELD standards what goals and strategies are important for Alaina?
• If you were Alaina’s teacher, what would you identify as essential goals for her IEP to guarantee her continued success as a learner?
• For example, what evidence-based practices might support Alaina in learning to ask for help?
• What suggestions do you have for incorporating those goals into daily routines and activities in a kindergarten classroom?
• What practices or strategies might support those goals (e.g., peer supports)?
• When the goals, practices, and strategies you identified are implemented in Alaina’s classroom, what might the possible benefits be for the other children in the class?