
Because administering public safety often depends on what public entity (federal, state, county, local) has
authority to operate,
-Explain the concept of federalism in the United States.
-Be sure to address, at a minimum,
-what is the basis of federalism,
-what constitutional principles or provisions give the federal government power to act in the states
-and which ones restrain the power of the federal government.
-be sure to address the constitutional principle(s) or provision(s) that give states their power and what, if
anything limits that power.
-Feel free to cite examples of federalism being applied in the field of public safety.
Police Powers:
Please discuss:
-the origins, applications, and limits of police powers.
Do not limit your discussion to the powers of law enforcement—police powers are broader than that.
(consider that you are a state public safety official dealing with a pandemic).
-Explain what legal factors/limitations you would consider related to a quarantine.
-If the state needs additional resources from the federal government, explain in what circumstances the federal

-If the state needs assistance from the National Guard and or the “regular” military, what issues will you need to
consider related to their deployment.

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