Cyber Security Analyst at your new organization to prepare a briefing for executive management


You are tasked as the Cyber Security Analyst at your new organization to prepare a briefing for executive management (comprised of people with anywhere from a basic understanding of Information Technology [IT] to a Chief Information Officer with a vast knowledge of IT). The purpose of the briefing is to make recommendations on a course of action they should take to deal with a myriad of threats due to a recent compromise of critical IT Infrastructure by an unknown intruder or insider.

select one of the topics below and create an in-depth and thoroughly analyzed report that first researches the subject matter, provides a well-thought-out background based on current trends, and then makes rationalizations for the subsequent recommendations.


Attack Methodology plus Tools and Techniques used
Attackers – Types of Threats
How Most Organizations Defend Today (Lessons Learned)
Targeted Capabilities – What We Should Be Defending

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