The role of NAFTA in Mexico since 1994

Minorities in the United States have shaped this country in many positive ways, ironically by changing various laws and policies that are a reaction to the negative treatment and discrimination of ethnic minorities. In a minimum of 2 pages, examine the history of the U.S. and its ethnic minorities by choosing one topic to develop and discuss in a critical examination of U.S. history. You may choose a broad topic such as World War II and discuss the treatment of minorities during that time period and its aftereffects, or you may focus your interests on the specifics of gender roles in the Mexican American community during the 1940s. Wherever your interests lie, your job in this assignment is not to summarize a time period, or a group of people and their actions. Your job is to bring history together with present day and discuss how views on minorities, women, sexuality, etc., have developed throughout our history and in present day. You are free to discuss any sort of minority, be it ethnic, gender, sexual, etc.

Below are 2 prompts that can be used. Feel free to chose any of the prompts. Please answer all or some of the questions in the prompt. If you would like to do another topic within the realm of Chicana/o Studies, you are free to do so, just make sure you verify the topic with me.

1. Discuss the role of NAFTA in Mexico since 1994. How has it impacted farm-working communities? What does NAFTA mean for women in Juarez? Do you think the economic status of Mexico will ever change? How have our presidents dealt with NAFTA? What do you think is the future of Mexico-US relations with our current president Biden?

2. Why do people from Latin American countries migrate to the United States? Please cite specific reasons for migrations, not just, “for better opportunities.” Additionally, how has the US dealt with migrants historically. How do you expect them to “deal with” migrants in the near future?



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