Cycle of Inquiry Plan


How would you gather the people and information and learn what you need to
know to understand as much as possible about the problem or issue and move to
action planning? How might design thinking cycles and action research cycles
provide frameworks to guide your inquiry?
The plan will include what you will need to accomplish in order to complete your
deep dive. Remember, this is a plan. You don’t need to be concerned about
implementation. Think big. Be imaginative. But make it feasible.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your
proficiency in the following course competencies:
● Competency 2: Apply continuous improvement models and methods
to uncover the multi-dimensional nature of problems of practice.
○ Create a plan for an in-depth collaborative inquiry process
to understand a problem of practice.
● Competency 4: Apply critical thinking skills and habits of mind to
analyze problems of practice.
○ Align components of the plan, including problem,
questions, data, and literature topics.
○ Compare and contrast design thinking and action
research inquiry cycles.

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