Health disparities and the importance of statistics.

Our class recently discussed health disparities and the importance of statistics.

(1st) Based on textbook’s definition, describe the meaning of HEALTH DISPARITY in your own words.

(2nd) Provide examples of 2 health-related issues that can have or lead to disparate (or different in kind) health outcomes between certain groups or populations of people and include 2 to 3 statistics for each health-related issue. Examples of health-related issues include smoking, alcohol, and obesity. However, feel free to select 2 health-related issues of your choice.

(3rd) Explain how each of the following terms might improve or make the health disparities (differences in health outcomes) worse:

Health Literacy
Health Equity
Individual Determinants of Health
Part 2

Chapter 3 highlights several governmental agencies and describes their roles in the healthcare system. Think about your current interest in the healthcare field.

(1st) Select any agency listed in chapter 3 that might align with your future career goals.

(2nd) Describe both your future interest in health care and why the agency you selected is important and/or affiliated with your career interests.

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