Criminological Theory Application


You are asked to examine the merits of understanding Criminological theory within the criminal justice workforce. For this assignment you will:

Choose one of the articles below, based on your current or intended career path.

Review the article.
Describe how the selected study applied the theory or theories to the criminal behavior.
Read: Hsieh, M.-L., Wang, S.-Y. K., & Cao, L. (2021). . Victims & Offenders, 16(4), 610630.
Submit a 2-3 page paper (not including title and reference page) with at least two (2) credible sources, which:
Indicates the benefits and challenges of understanding Criminological theory in your chosen career path.
Assesses how well the theory or theories explain criminal or delinquent behavior in general.
Includes a recommendation, based on the information you learn in this article and other scholarly articles from the CSU Global library (link provides in Course Navigation bar) and other appropriate locations, whether professionals should understand and apply Criminological theory in understanding behavior to effectively understand offender behavior or develop effective policy and practice to manage these behaviors.

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