Digital Business Model



1. Choose one of the following firms and draw its business model using Canvas or VISOR

– Barns & Nobel

– Macys

– Walmart

2. Suggest a new digital business model for the firm you choose that can enable the firm tosuccessfully compete with Amazon.3. Submit your report (a pdf or ppt file) to Blackboard.

Digital business model should include digital part explicitly. Digital Business Model is How youplanned to make money with digital technologies, a description of how business runs based on digitaltechnologies. When you use VISOR, digital can be explained clearly, although it is not limited, inInterface and Service Platform. When you use Canvas, digital can be explained especially, although it isnot limited, in customer relationships, channels, key resources and key activities.Either VISOR or Canvas, you need to use the framework that includes detailed guidelines and questionsfor all parts. Do not miss any part of the framework and add an explanation for each part.


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