Critically analyse how far this statement goes in summing up the necessary skills needed by an event manager in running a large event.

Critically analyse how far this statement goes in summing up the necessary skills needed by an event manager in running a large event.
Essay Title:
‘Successful event organisation is, invariably, a case of anticipating potential problems and opportunities, as well as maximising the effectiveness of your resources.’ Critically analyse how far this statement goes in summing up the necessary skills needed by an event manager in running a large event. In answering the question you must draw on event management good practice, as identified in academic sources, as well as your own observations of event organisation.
• Normal academic standards apply (see handbook) e.g. referencing (plagiarism) and marking criteria (e.g. First Class)

• Mark Allocation:
20%: Presentation; Use of English; Grammar; Introduction, Conclusion, Referencing.
40%: Selection and review of relevant source material.
40%: Discussion of the issues and application and use of material
Word Limit
The ULMS Boards of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies have clarified the guidance provided to students on word counts in assessed work. The word count given to students is the absolute upper limit. There is no leeway over this, i.e., students will be penalised if they submit work that exceeds the word limit (the suggestion that you may exceed the word count by 10% is a myth!!)

The following are not included in word counts:
Reference lists/Bibliographies and Question Titles
Appendices/Footnotes- provided these have been used only when necessary. If appendices or footnotes are used excessively, or contain material which should clearly be included in the main body of the essay/report, it is at the markers’ discretion to include these in the word count.
Tables/Graphs- provided these have been imported from elsewhere (correctly referenced) and not produced by the student.
Contents Pages and Front Pages of Reports
As well as the essay/report itself, the following are included in word counts:
Citations/quotations- this includes the material paraphrased/quoted itself as well as the name, date and page information.
Tables and graphs- if they have been produced by the student.
Executive Summaries in Reports- unless otherwise stated.

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