A Christian Philosophical Journey



1. In your textbook, A Christian Philosophical Journey, review the four approaches to freedom (free will, determinism, indeterminism, and fatalism) in Chapter 10, “Free or Fated?”
2. Optional: View the presentation “Freedom and Determinism”
3. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following: Use the four-step course methodology of understanding, analysis, evaluation, and application. Write a 150- to 200-word description (three to four paragraphs or at least five observations) about the understanding of freedom in philosophy (and theology).
a. Which of the four approaches to freedom do you favor or use in life? Can they all be valid at the same time? Why or why not?
b. Does real freedom really exist? Or are all our choices limited in some way?
c. The Bible says our human will is corrupted because of original sin, so do humans choose God (a logical decision) or does God choose humans (by grace)?
d. What are the main differences between a Calvinist-Reformed and a Wesleyan-Arminian way of thinking on these points?




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