A controversy within criminology



A controversy within criminology involves the extent to which race affects criminal processing. 5-7page paper critically assessing the Discrimination Thesis (DT) and Non-Discrimination Thesis (NDT) as they relate to explaining extent criminal justice disparities. this writings should cover all components and stages of the Criminal Justice system and how each thesis explains disproportionality within such components and stages.
Students will identify the variables (race, crime, gender, crime type, etc.) that they will be covering within their exam. This should be provided to the professor by October 18th 11:59pm. See professor for verification.
Your paper should be well written and should establish that the student can critically assess discrimination, disparity, and disproportionality within criminal justice data.
Your exam should have no less than 10 academic references to support your paper (No Wikipedia). Academic Journal articles and published textbooks.
Your exam should be written in APA format and submitted through Turnitin in Blackboard.

Purpose of Research
Literature Review
a. Discrimination Thesis (DT)
1. Police
2. Courts
3. Corrections
b. Non-Discrimination Thesis (NDT)
1. Police
2. Courts
3. Corrections
a. Your view
b. Future Policy Recommendations




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