A criminal case that was covered in the media.

The Casey Anthony or OJ Simpson case would be a good one that was covered heavily by the media.

The format is to include title page, abstract, body, and bibliography. References and citations are to be in APA format. The length of the body of each paper is to be 1500 words, written in 12-point font and double-spaced.
Students can select a topic of their choice for the paper. For this paper, students must choose a criminal case that has been covered by the media. Besides using your textbooks as a source, you must also use five other additional outside sources for your paper, two of these should be scholarly in nature. For example, you may use the internet, academic journal databases, books, encyclopedias, videos, newspapers, etc.

The paper must include:

  1. A description of the crime in its historical setting.
  2. A theoretical analysis of the crime event.
  3. A description of media involvement and coverage of the case from investigation to disposition.
  4. A perspective concerning the media effect on case outcomes.

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