A Day in the Life of Alex Sander


write a two-page case study report on A Day in the Life of Alex Sander from Havard business school. Start by compiling your case analysis by outlining your answer for each question. I would list bullet points below each question to structure your answer. Then make sure to create a good flow that answers each question but still creates the case study.
Here are the questions.
1. What behaviors by Alex are having the greatest impact on the 360-degree data provided by coworkers? Which of these behaviors are positive and which are negative?
2. What does the 360 data tell us about Alex’s likely career success? If you were Sam Glass, would you invest more time in helping Sander progress at Landon?
3. If Alex were to stay on at Landon Products, how would you provide the adequate leadership training, in order to ensure Alex, is motivated and all contributions reflect positively on the company?



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