“A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Jarvis Thomson

Write a 3.5—5 page paper following MLA guidelines. You will be penalized for failure to follow MLA guidelines.
You are to analyze the key arguments either for or against the morality of abortion given your reading of the
two articles assigned (“A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Jarvis Thomson and “Why Abortion Is Immoral” by
Don Marquis). The focus is on your understanding of the debate as presented in the two articles. This paper
will demonstrate your ability to responsibly address a difficult issue and to communicate your understanding of
the arguments under consideration. Make sure, in the course of writing your paper, that you summarize and
analyze the core elements of each article using your own words while providing citations for main ideas and
More specifically, in the Judith Jarvis Thomson article make sure to explain, clarify and analyze the violinist
example, the people seeds example and how she explains what right to life really means.
Also, make sure when discussing the Marquis article to explain: the type of moral reasoning he uses (i.e. is it
deontological, utilitarian, etc.), how he analyzes why it is wrong to kill an adult human being and what he says
about contraception.
Finally, tell me which view you find to be more rationally (not emotionally) persuasive and why.
Read “A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Jarvis Thomson, pages 241-251.
Read “Why Abortion is Immoral” by Don Marquis, pages 251-259.
Optional Background Reading: “Abortion” pages 223-239.
Read “Appendix: How To Write An Ethics Paper” pages 570-573.

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