A job search

Consider all the things you read in the last two chapters and the items you viewed in the PPTX presentations. Please comment on each of the following as it relates to effectively seeking employment:

  1. Social media–is it necessary? successful in learning about positions? Give an example.
  2. Networking–word of mouth, face-to-face, career fairs, mixers? Efficient tools? Provide an example of something you’ve done related to this strategy.
  3. Cover/application letters: purpose for sending? Positive/negative outcomes in your eyes based on personal experience or someone you know?
  4. Job interview: one-on-one, telephone, panel/committee types? What has been your experience: +/- or from a friend/family member?
  5. Follow-up: telephone, email, thank-you note, in-person visit? Have any of these helped you obtain a position?

5 points for each aspect, including an example/description/definition = 25 points

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