A policy briefing paper

​What are the 5 most important implications for (1) the Victorian government and (2) Indigenous Victorians​ if treaty negotiations with Indigenous communities in Victoria go forward?

Typed using Times New Roman in 12pt, or a simple sans serif font (e.g. Arial, Calibri) in11pt;
Double or 1.5
Please note: single-spaced typed or written assignments will not be marked and will need to be resubmitted in the required format;
3cm margins on all sides;
Use Australian or British spelling, not American spelling;
The word count must be within 10% of the required length;
Choose one referencing style ( Harvard) and use it consistently;
On the first page of the essay, include your full name, student number, the assignment type (e.g. Assessment #1: Policy paper), and the referencing system you are using;

You should choose appropriate newspaper articles, media commentary, and academic sources (e.g. peer-reviewed articles, textbooks, statistical collections of public agencies). These are to include a good representation of Indigenous perspectives. Please provide your list of references on a separate page to the policy paper / ministerial. In-text referencing of the sources you refer to in the body of your policy paper / ministerial are acceptable and expected.

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