A program for an athlete with rotator cuff surgery

Build a program for an athlete with rotatory cuff surgery

You’re working with a throwing athlete who’s recently had rotator cuff surgery and a total of 12 PT sessions. Your referral pad suggests gradual strengthening and stretching over 3 months. By then the athlete wants to be on a basic strength routine to get back to their pre-season training program. List the ROM exercises, modified strength exercises and routine you’d use for this athlete. Site examples from the literature of at least 2 programs for athletes following a published training format.Make sure you are doing evaluations first.

Make sure you include in depth discussion of the rationale behind your recommendations, as this is a large part of your grade.

Be specific about sets, reps and exercises used.

Charts (excel or Table) make your plans easier to read. Make sure you explain the reasoning behind your exercise choices, utilizing terms and concepts from your text. Be sure to address why the program and exercises are appropriate for the client’s condition, and their initial and ongoing goals. Make sure you are tying your program recommendations to course concepts.

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