A systematic Task-Based Online Language Learning Design Model


Write about A systematic Task-Based Online Language Learning Design Model. I am attaching some article that I believe will be helpful. It should be like more a personal reflection over the issue. You should cite some authors, but it should be personalized (not to sound impersonal)

1. Social and academic context
Spanish university students who are required to get B2 in English(according to the Common European Framework of Languages), established by the Ministry of Education when they finish their degree.
In spite of the fact that, language learning is getting easier nowadays due to the fact that there are many online sources and technological tools to help learns to do so, many students still struggle to improve their language skills. The university is still oriented to the traditional method of content delivery and does not take into consideration that the students are native digitals and need real time language to use it for specific purposes, mainly studies. They need language that will help be applied in real life and authentic situations. So learners expect to learn a second language through authentic tasks related to real world activities, with no predetermined outcomes and varied in language levels complexity. Basically, we are talking about learner fit, and meaningful activities, that create a positive language learning environment and are practical.

The students I work with are 3rd year course engineers who are more interested in Professional English learning rather than General English. That is another challenge for technical university teachers.

It should also be mentioned that one of the problems why students fail to learn English is because classes are grammar oriented. And language skills like reading and writing are mainly focused, whereas speaking and listening skills are not practices because no real or authentic situations, tasks and activities are created for that.

2. Content

To be able to design a successful online Task-Based learning course, we should:
a) identify the course objectives (they should be clearly explained to know what we expect learners to know and achieve)
b) consider what competences and abilities the participants will need to reach the course objectives
c) provide a list of authentic online resources that can be used to achieve the objectives. Sites should be authentic and professionally produced
d) establish tools to assess the learners?
In online learning, I would recommend to provide ready made responses to orient students to evaluate their answers. Evaluation rubrics are also considered to have a crucial role if they are provided at the beginning of the course.
e) make students reflect about what they have learned and how they can apply that particular knowledge in a real life situation.

3. Piloting a course. What to consider?

a) Course and unit objectives
b) Students profile (their previous knowledge, needs, expectations)
c) Interaction (student-student, student-instructor, student-content)
What tools are going to be provided: chat rooms, forums, course emails, videoconferencing
d) Input needed (authentic materials, social media, links, hypertexts)
e) Evaluation criteria (assessment)

Students need a dynamic model of an online language learning unit, where they can build up their own knowledge through experiencing, experimenting and reflecting.

I need to suggest a model of a task – based online learning and would like to use Kolb’s learning model (see the attached). It has no first stage. Learners constantly go through the cycle (experiencing – reflecting – conceptializing-experimenting).

So, there must be different sections in that module:
Tasks where students
a. read, listen to, view authentic materials from the target culture)
b. practice interpersonal skills as they interact in social media, via videoconferencing, audio or with other speakers of the target language.
c. collaborate in online presentational tasks with their peers

2. Language in use
Activities to practice:
a. grammar (because students will need to get B2 at the end of the course). They can be multiple choice or true/false activities
b. vocabulary
c. listening
d. reading

3. Gaming
Students practice discrete skills with engaging task-based games.

4. Social media
Where links to facebook, twitter, TEDtalks and youtube are provided

4. Assessment.

Be critical, not to cite much but rather be reflective about the way an online language module could function taking into consideration the social and academic context that this module could be targeted, the module content based on Kolb’s model, adding authentic materials, links, hypertexts, social media so as to make language learning more dynamic and close to the reality.
Assessment is another important issue to be considered.
I don’t need theoretical review over this question but a clear and innovative way about how to create an online module.
If it is the same writer who wrote the previous chapter he can use some date from the previous texts.
I would also appreciate if the writer gives me his opinion about the issue because it is a PhD and something innovative should be suggested. Thank you.

There is no need to write 20 pages but if the writer considers a good job can be done in 10 or 15 pages, it would be good.

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