Ability to do basic research to better understand the use of decision analysis and decision trees

The discussion concerns your ability to do basic research to better understand the use of decision analysis and decision trees in several areas including but not limited to healthcare, revenue management, finance, and supply chain management. Your task is to find one article from reliable sources (electronically, academic articles, journals, etc.) that uses simulation to solve a problem. It should not be an article mentioned in class or referenced to by another student in the discussion board. A good journal to look at is “Interfaces”. You may also find it useful to browse the Winter Simulation Conference archive. However, do not limit yourself to this journal.

For the article that you choose, explain:

 What course topic your article addresses,

 How the article’s coverage differs from what was included in the course notes

 Why it adds to our understanding of the course material.

Use about 250 words for your post. Do not just copy from the paper or its abstract.

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