Aboriginal Peoples, Canada, & the Way Forward

Select one of the topics below and write a 4-page paper/reflection to answer each question/prompt.

Episode 2: It’s Time
Big Picture: Working with marginalized communities requires health professionals to understand the mental and physical impacts of historical discrimination on a patient. Drawing from examples in this episode, what are some of the consequences of colonization on the health and health seeking behaviours of Aboriginal peoples’? Write a 4-page paper on this topic, include 4 peer-reviewed sources.

Episode 4: At the Crossroads
Research the “Statement of Government of Canada on Indian Policy” (1969) — also known as the White Paper because of the colour of the document cover. Why was there so much resistance to abolishing the Indian Act at that point in time? What has changed today, when the cries for abolishing the Act are coming from the Aboriginal community rather than the non-Aboriginal community? Write a 4-page paper to answer these questions, include references and peer-reviewed sources when applicable

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