Active Management Area in Douglas AND Wilcox Arizona


Analyze and critique proposals for creating an Active Management Area in Douglas AND Wilcox Arizona.
During the Fall 2022 elections, voters in Douglas approved the creation of an AMA (Active Management Area) for the Douglas area (through Proposition 420), while voters in Wilcox rejected a similar measure for the Wilcox area.
Arizona Department of Water Resources links:
What is an AMA?
The Douglas AZ AMA
The Wilcox AMA (proposal rejected)

1.) Overview of AMA’s
– Provide a short summary of what an AMA is and why they might be needed.
2.) An Argument in Support of the AMA
– Use at least one economic model to illustrate an argument in support of the AMA.
3.) An Argument Against the AMA
– Use at least one economic model to illustrate an argument against the AMA.
4.) Your Opinion
– Use economic concepts to help support your opinion about AMA’s.
5.) Annotated Bibliography
You must include an Annotated Bibliography with at least 6 quality sources.

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