Differential Diagnosis
A 49 yo Caucasian female presents with new onset of tongue swelling. She reports that she was seen in her primary doctor’s office yesterday for ear pain and he diagnosed her with an ear infection and started her on an antibiotic which she took this morning (she shows you a new bottle of Augmentin). She has a history of HTN and takes 10mg lisinopril daily, she does report last dose this am. She denies Difficulty breathing, and has no known drug or food allergies. On exam you note her tongue to be moderately swollen, while her pharynx is erythematous and mildly swollen at this time. she does not appear to be in distress but is fearful. As the AGACNP on call, you are now working up the patient for admission
Discussion should address the following:
At least two differential diagnoses
What is the working/Final diagnosis, and what is the causative agent?
What is your treatment plan for the patient?
What is your rationale for your selected treatment options?
please be specific with treatment (medication, dose, frequency.,etc……..)