Adapted Information Technology





1. Process analysis showing the “As Is” process map based on the information provided to
you in the Delko Heavy Machinery case. Use the app that you used in your
BPMN lab to draw the “As Is” map. (Maximum length is 1 page)
2. Identify and discuss two issues that you have identified in the “As Is” map, and discuss
how you would address those issues. As part of your discussion:
a. Explain and justify why you believe that each of the two issues that you
identified need to be addressed by DHM.
b. Describe the modifications or re-design you are proposing by identifying specific
activities and information flows that would be added or eliminated from the “As
Is” process model. Do not draw a new “To Be” process model. Just write your
answers. (Maximum length is 1 page)
3. Technology briefing: Conduct an online search of software applications that you believe
will address the two issues you identified for DHM. In your briefing discussion, include
the following:
a. Description of the functional attributes AND non-functional attributes of the IT
solution; and
b. Provide a comparison of two potential vendors/providers, and clearly state and
justify your recommendation of one vendor/provider to DHM.




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