Adolescence: Biosocial/Cognitive/Psychosocial Considerations

When examining Adolescent development, it is crucial that parents/caregivers as well as policy makers understand the various factors that affect child development. This paper is a chance for you to critically synthesize all of the information we have been discussing thus far. You will be asked to pretend to present a detailed report to the child development center in your county. This report will help your fellow therapists/social workers understand the various factors involved in Adolescent development that can help them change or improve some of the policies in our system…perhaps on a state, federal, and even global level. You will want to discuss the biosocial, cognitive as well as psychosocial factors that impact Adolescent development while applying this understanding to policy making. Given this understanding, what are some of the changes you would be advocating for on a county level, state level, federal level and maybe even global level …and most importantly, ask yourself why you are advocating for these changes.
Ask yourself, what are some of the biosocial factors to Adolescent development? What are some of the cognitive factors to Adolescent development? What are some of the psychosocial factors to Adolescent development? Equipped with this understanding what are some changes you would like to see in our society?

Biosocial, Cognitive and Psychosocial factors to Adolescent Development and Applications to Policy Making
Introduce the topic. Why is the topic important? Grasp the reader. Talk about a general, powerful statement about bio/cognitive/psycho/social factors to Adolescent development.
Develop background information, using literature, and define terms to further illustrate the topic and make the reader better informed of the topic. In other words, define what these factors are and what they involve.
End introduction with a specific thesis statement, which is a statement of what the paper is specifically about (i.e., the purpose of the paper). For example, in the assignment, you could state that the purpose of this paper is to discuss the biological/cognitive/psychological/social factors to Adolescent development and apply this knowledge to policy making.
Introduce the topic sentence. For example, you can fist talk about the biosocial considerations and applications.
Provide basis or support using text or outside resources.
Include transition to next paragraph.
Introduce the topic sentence. For example, you can now talk about the cognitive considerations and applications.
Provide basis or support using text or outside resources.


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