advanced strenght and conditioning practices


A case study of a sport/athlete 2500 words that includes: 1. A needs analysis of your chosen sport (football)/the athlete in terms of performance demands and biomotor abilities. The sport analysis must include an evidence based detailed evaluation of the performance characteristics (movement patterns, frequencies and intensities) and physiological qualities (biomotor abilities) that determine elite performance (aerobic and anaerobic requirements; strength requirements; flexibility requirements; speed, agility and quickness requirements). You should explain the importance of each physiological quality in the context of the performance characteristics. 2. A periodised training programme showing an overview macro cycle, showing mesocycles and microcycles. The periodised programme should reflect the needs of the sport in terms of structure (Linear; block; reverse periodisation). A single microcycle (1 week) should be taken form a selected mesocycle and detail regarding the training units provide with justification for their inclusion in relation to competiton schedule and performance requirements at that phase of the macrocycle. 3. A review of exercise tests used to assess the biomotor abilities. Select 2-3 key biomotor abilities exercise tests. These can be field or laboratory based.

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