“Above the Noise”

Watch the “Above the Noise” video (posted on Blackboard) in groups of 2. Then, as a group, answer the following questions. Each person must submit their assignment individually, but please put both your name and the name of your group partner/s at the top of the page.
Due before the end of class.

Questions on the video (1-2 sentences each)
1) Stop the video at :53 and study the graphics: What do they mean? (Note: MT stands for metric tons)
2) Stop at 1:20: Review what microfibers are and where they come from.
3) Stop at 2:03: Discuss why plastics (and microfibers) don’t break down completely.
4) Stop at 3:07: How do microfibers affect marine life?
5) Stop at 4:41: What are some ways that microfiber pollution could be prevented through regulation? Make a list of the ideas that were presented.
6) Stop at 5:15: How could bacteria play a role in reducing microfiber pollution?
7) Stop at 5:31: What are some ways that individuals could help prevent microfiber pollution?

General questions. Read the short Article on BB as well; #9-10 could be based on the video and/or article (~2 sentences each)
8) What most surprised you from the Above the Noise episode?
9) What did you learn?
10) What concerns you most about microfiber pollution?

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