Affects of Alzheimer disease

The final scholarly paper focuses on how knowledge is created within different theoretical lens and ontological traditions in nursing. The hermeneutics of interpretation shows how research data are interpreted within a horizon of understanding (Gadamer, 1989) that researchers are required to make explicit in their introduction and theoretical framework. The horizon of understanding will be connected with the basic values, attitudes and beliefs affiliated with different ontologies/paradigms. For instance, a researcher within a post-positivist paradigm will value measurement, causality, control and the researcher’s review of literature and their conceptual framework should reflect these values. Data analysis and interpretation of data should reflect these same values— completing the hermeneutic circle of interpretation and the fusion of horizons (Gadamer, 1989). Note. Gadamer, H. G. (1989). Truth and method (trans: J. Weinsheimer and DG Marshall). London: Sheed and Ward.
Paper Requirements: For this scholarly paper, you will be writing up a short research study. Ensure there is congruence with your theoretical framework and philosophical tradition or paradigm in all sections of the paper. The focus of this course is on analysis so the first few sections of this paper are to show how your chosen lens leads you to create knowledge in a unique way. Use the categories and themes from the stories of living with loss that you identified during the data analysis exercise earlier in the term ( I have attached the stories of loss and the data analysis paper where I identified the categories and themes in the stories with the order). You may have synthesized your themes even further and this often happens as researchers come to write up the findings.
(see Chapters 6 and 9 in “qualitative research analyzing life” by Saldana and Omasta text book. to help guide you with these sections of your paper):

  1. Introduction: Provide a brief introduction to your research about the phenomenon/experience of loss for daughters whose mothers are diagnosed with Alzheimer Disease. Include a purpose for your research study. (1 – 2 para)
  2. Theoretical Framework – describe your theoretical framework and situate it within a larger ontological tradition/worldview/paradigm (1 to 2 para)
  3. Research question (s) – What is/are your research questions? These questions will reflect your theoretical lens and worldview and how you view the phenomenon of loss.
  4. Data collection methods and Participants (1 to 2 para)
  5. Data Analysis and methods (1 para)
  6. Findings – this is the focus of the paper where you are fleshing out your findings – what are the themes that you identified emerging in the stories of loss – provide examples of excerpts from the stories to give support to your themes (4 to 5 pages). Show how the themes link with and expand your chosen theoretical framework.
  7. Conclusions (1 to 2 paras)

Below is a draft that might help with the research study
Research Question: What is it like to see someone you know change/changing in frightening ways?

Participants: Daughters whose mothers were diagnose with Alzheimer disease, and actively caring or involve in the care of their mother. age rage from 30 to 50

Theoretical framework/ontological tradition: I am going with Human science theory as my ontological worldview that will be guiding the research

Research purpose: To expand understanding of universal human experience of living with loss.

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