African American debate

1.), begin, re. Kelley and Lewis, Chapter 4.
2.) Complete the interactive exercise, Civil Rights: Demanding Equality. It is not easy to implement civil rights. Integrate what you learn into your debate posts.
3.) Choose one of these lectures and use it in the debate:
“Reconsidering Little Rock: Terrence Roberts”
Professor Howard Brick, “Black Power Movement in the 1960s” (with an excellent analysis of Nina Simone’s “Mississippi Goddam,” which was written in a fury soon after the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing.) Professor Martha Biondi. “The Black Revolution on Campus.” Professor Yohuru Williams, Lecture on who the actual leaders of the Civil Rights Movement were. 4.) Watch and use Martin Luther King, Jr accepting the Nobel Peace Prize. 5.) Watch and use an Interview with Malcolm X.
6.) You will be assigned what your position is. Post an argument of at least 300 words. You must counter the arguments of at least 2 other students with responses of at least 100 words each. Respond as many times as you wish. Your two best responses will be graded. Do not forget that you must demonstrate in your arguments that you have learned from all the required work. It is important that you properly cite so your opponents will know from where you took your information.
7.) Remember each week to check the grade book for your feedback, and click Comments. impugner

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