Age of Ambition

-Follow the prompt
-May use anything necessary from PSCI 103 file
-Only outside source necessary should be from course notes (psci 103) and the rest should be from the book including page numbers from the book

Paper on Osnos’s book
Age of Ambition

Read Evan Osnos’s book, Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth and Faith in the New China. Write an essay in response, responding to ONE of the themes below.

Political-economic development: Famously, China is the world’s largest communist system, having avoided the pressures that led to the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union. Yet the system has evolved since the days of Mao Tse-Tung. Write an essay describing the economic reforms in China, as described by Osnos. How does the political system interact with economic development in China? What is the best way to think of China’s political–economic system today?

State Capacity and Autonomy: How powerful is the Chinese state, as described by Osnos? Write an essay that describes the relative levels of state capacity and state autonomy in China, using evidence from the Osnos book.

**Important: To achieve clarity in this paper, you must first develop the concepts (state capacity and state autonomy or political economic system/ideology) generally and then apply them specifically to the country case. You should use citations and quotation marks if you take the language from the textbook (I recommend you use your textbook). **

Formatting Instructions
The paper should be 4-6 pages, typed, double-spaced, using standard margins (i.e., 1 inch to 1.25 inch margins) and 12-point font. Please include page numbers. The paper should follow an essay format, and not merely answer the questions above in a list. There will be a penalty for short and long papers. You need not do outside research for this paper, but please include citations for evidence drawn from the book and materials assigned for the class. Please submit both a paper copy and digital copy of your paper (submitted to Blackboard). Paper is due Wednesday, May 16 .
Grading Guide


Content Comments
Paper demonstrates knowledge of the theoretical issues involved in either (1) political economic system or (2) state capacity/autonomy.

Paper offers a clear knowledge of events as portrayed in the book.

Paper effectively blends the theoretical analysis with the examples.

Paper makes use of the course materials, including specific references to the readings.

Paper offers a clear and logical explanation that corresponds with the evidence offered.
Paper is clearly written and contains a thesis statement.

Paper is free of grammatical and spelling errors.

Paper is well organized.

Paper avoids overuse of quotations.

Paper includes proper citations for evidence/quotations included.

Paper follows formatting specifications in assignment guide.

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