Ages or stages of development


Choose one of the ages or stages of development that differs from your own, and imagine being at that age or in that stage of development. Based on three or more of the developmental stage theories, describe how you would think, feel, and act.

In order to successfully complete this assignment, please read chapter 3 on Developmental Psychology. in this chapter, you will be exposed to the theories of major developmental psychologists in the field. For this assignment, you must choose an age or stage DIFFERENT than your own at the present time and using at least 3 of the theories of the psychologists presented, describe how you would think, feel, and act, accordingly. For this assignment, DO NOT tell me about what you remember of your own childhood. Instead, pick a different age or stage from your current age (e.g., newborn, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, middle adulthood, or old age) and read what Piaget says happens with the cognitive development of the age you have picked and use that as a clue about your character’s thought processes. Then, read about Erikson and see which stage your chosen age would entail and then tell your expected emotional reactions from his perspective. Next, you might read about Freud and see how he would view your chosen age and discuss the challenges presented at that age and what some of the behavioral consequences might be if fixations occurred with the current and/or previous stages of development.

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