Ahmed – Butler on Gender/Sex

  1. Introduce your answer, its content, and your argument (emphasizing your work in steps 2, 3, and 4). 2. Outline the main arguments of each theorist, looking to both the readings and the lecture, and the Concise Encyclopedia if necessary. 3. Identify the similarities and differences of the two theories. 4. Explain these similarities and differences using a case study of either race, class, gender/sex, or disability. Provide conclusion reviewing the answer’s content
    Citation: For readings, you will simply use Author, Page (e.g. “Titchkosky, p. 656”), for my lectures, Title, Slide (Butler, Slide 10), and for the encyclopedia Ritzer, Entry (Ritzer, “Symbolic Power). You are not required to provide a bibliography for the take-home final.

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