
Create a critical thinking essay on alcoholism
3 page, double-spaced paper, discussing in critical thinking format the etiology and treatment of alcoholism.
Etiology must include the biological, psychological, social, and cultural causes of alcoholism.
Types of social policy and environmental changes would you recommend for the prevention of that disorder?
What are the pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments for that disorder.
PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION OF TREATMENT: I would recommend Alcoholic Anonymous or similar support group based program w/ an appropriate pharmacological component derived from ongoing individual psychotherapeutic evaluation focused on revealing possible comorbid psychologically abnormal conditions.

A minimum of 4 sources must be used and at least 1 of these sources must be a traditional journal article that is obtained from the BCC library journal article database.
Textbook must be one source: ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY 17th edition HOOLEY, BUTCHNER, NOCK & MINEKA
APA style reference page and APA in-text referencing is required.

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