AMB359 Strategic Marketing Report

Students are to prepare a professional Strategic Marketing Report, which covers the current market environment, strategic objectives and plan for a strategic path for the client. The idea is that students evaluate the market, as well as create a tangible approach to the brief underpinned by a plausible strategy that is aligned with the product, brand or firm. Student team s submit their strategic marketing report in week 11. In weeks 11 to 12 student groups will present their findings in class. This is my group report, and I just need to focus one part, which is Execution Strategy – Linked to the client (1,000 words) (theoretical concepts support your arguments through this section) a. Creating Advantage you just need to write the creating Advantage part, based on the client information? the client is Feeconomy, I will put the client information file, you need to create a new advantage, like what future advantage is or something. The feeconomy competitor is Led Better and Gender Fair, you can compare this company, and create new advantage with Feeconomy, Anyway, Focus on submarket, and the company in US and Australia. Also, I will give you my assessment 1 for you , you can see it.

Kindly refer to this link for the files

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